This tool uses the EVERCALC ® algorithm for the iterative backcalculation process. The tool provides three major functions: pre-processing deflection data (including project segmentation), backcalculation, and post-processing of results to generate inputs for Pavement ME rehabilitation design. The tool is capable of analyzing raw deflection data files from three FWD testing devices: Dynatest ®, JILS and KUAB.
Aashto pavement design software software#
It can also be used to perform loss of support analysis and load transfer efficiency (LTE) calculations. The tool is capable of analyzing raw deflection data files obtained from Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) testing devices, backcalculating in-place elastic layer moduli for flexible and rigid pavements and generating inputs for performing rehabilitation design using Pavement ME. The Pavement ME Deflection Data Analysis and Backcalculation Tools is a standalone software program that can be used to generate backcalculation inputs to the AASHTO Pavement ME Design software for rehabilitation design. ME Design is a production-ready software tool to support the day-to-day pavement design functions of public and private pavement engineers.
Aashto pavement design software manual#
ME Design supports AASHTO”s Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, Interim Edition: A Manual of Practice. SynCog: Advanced AI for Autonomous SystemsĪASHTOWare Pavement ME Design is the next generation of AASHTOWare® pavement design software, which builds upon the mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide, and expands and improves the features in the accompanying prototype computational software.OTONOS: UNMANNED REMOTE CONTROL AND TELE-OPERATION.Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.Interagency Security Committee (ISC) Risk Management Process Training.Instructional Design, Technologies and Products.Frequency Selective Surfaces: Theory and Design – Short Course.PaVision Automated Pavement Condition Assessment System.ATLaS: Accelerated Transportation Loading System.AirView Interactive GIS Pavement Management.MPPD: Multiple-Path Particle Dosimetry Model.BurnCARE: Burn Computer Application for Research and Education.NPDD: Non-Pyrotechnic Diversionary Device.E-Sim: Computerized Event Simulation Modeling for Egress/Ingress.Emergency Management/First Responder Tools.WINGARD: Window Glazing Analysis Response and Design.DCMS: Dynamic Component Modeling Software.ARC4: Advanced Augmented Reality Technology.Sentinel: Modular Security Command and Control System.Pathfinder: Advanced Intrusion Detection.Infrastructure and Transportation Security.